1.There are two investments that I think are the most worthwhile. The first is an investment in myself and the other is an investment in my friends. 有兩筆投資是我認為最值得的。首先是對自己的投資,另外就是對朋友的投資。 2.You can& #39;t make a good deal with someone who doesn& #39;t have integrity, and if you still have your fingers crossed about that, then I& #39;d advise you to give up. 你不可能和一個不正直的人達成好的交易,如果你還對此心存僥幸,那我勸你最好放棄。 3.If I were to restart my career today, I would still only do work that I am passionate about, and I would still be in the same jobs that I have done time and time again in the past. 如果我今天重新開始我的職業(yè)生涯,我仍然只會做我有熱情的工作,我還是會從事過去一次又一次做過的那些工作。 4.There are two things that money can& #39;t buy: time and love. These are two things that I have always valued highly. 有兩樣東西,是錢買不來的:時間和愛。這兩樣東西,我一直非??粗?。 5.The only way to get love in return is to give love. No matter how much you give to others, you can always get more in return. No giving, no return. 只有付出愛,才能換來愛。無論你為別人付出多少,總能得到更多回報。不付出,沒回報。 6.The most important thing in investing is to figure out what things are important and knowable. If something is unimportant and unknowable, leave it alone. 投資中最緊要的是弄清什么事是重要的、可知的。如果一件事是不重要的、不可知的,那就別管了。 7.We make a lot more money when we& #39;re snoozing than when we& #39;re awake. 我們打盹時賺的錢比起醒著時多很多。 8.Making mistakes is normal and one can only try to minimize their impact. 犯錯是正常的,只能盡量把錯誤的影響降到最低。 9.If you can really read business, you shouldn& #39;t own more than six. 要是你真能看懂生意,你擁有的生意不應該超過六個。 10.No matter what feelings I develop for the market, it ignores me, and there is nothing more hard-hearted than the market. 不管我對市場產(chǎn)生什么感情,它都不理我,沒有比市場更鐵石心腸的了。 11.I don& #39;t know where the market will go, never have in the past, never will in the future, and I don& #39;t even think about it. 我不知道市場會怎么走,過去從來不知道,將來也不會知道,我根本也不往這上面想。 12.Investing is a competitive game, a big game, and I enjoy it. 投資是富有競爭的游戲,很大一場游戲,我很享受這場游戲。 |
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